Learning to read shouldn’t be rote, or so rigorous that students lose confidence. Phonics, Reading, and Me adjusts the method of reading from print to digital and back again to ensure every student can access the same text.

Consistent Themes Build Knowledge
With Phonics, Reading, and Me, students get a cohesive learning experience. As students read rich print and digital texts, they open a window to the world beyond their walls. These texts are organized sequentially to build phonics skills and reading knowledge around concepts and engaging topics. Each unit correlates to social studies and science topics across five themes, including community, animals, jobs, and more.

Texts within Student Digital Learning apply the phonics skills explicitly taught in the print while still making meaningful connections to the unit theme.
- Every text supports children's early literacy development, with clear sentences placed in easy-to-follow layouts.
- Illustrations and photos in nonfiction books extend and enhance meaning without revealing too much that's not in the text itself.

Student Digital Learning contains digital text counterparts to the print texts in the program. These are offered in varied reading modes, which are offered up as differentiated supports based on the child’s learning need. Teachers can also opt to turn on or off supports by child, group, or class.
Oral Reading Screener
The first digital text that students get in each lesson is delivered in the oral reading mode, if teachers have opted to turn on the voice-enabled assessment to inform pathing.