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13 ways to teach a child to speak at 1.5, 2 or 3 years old, gre verbal practice

Classes for the formation of coherent speech in a child should not be postponed. At 1.5-2 years should be actively engaged with the baby to expand his vocabulary and develop his speech. We offer you 13 ways to start and develop the speech of the child.

13 ways to teach a child to speak at 1.5, 2 or 3 years old, gre verbal practice

You can not strictly allocate time to start the formation of speech skills in children. Someone starts speaking earlier, someone later. However, it is crucial to stimulate this skill in the child.

Parents begin to teach their child to speak from birth, engage in gre verbal practice

Сommunicating with the child all the time, showing and naming things around them. Little by little, the baby begins to say familiar words, expanding its vocabulary. If by the age of 2 years the vocabulary of the baby is not expanding, or he has not yet spoken, do not rely on time and wait until everything is formed by itself. Regular sessions with the child will bring results. Use different ways to “talk” your baby. If the child at 3 years of age is talking, but vaguely pronounces the words, pay attention to our article on dyslalia.

Method 1 – remove what’s in the way!
Specialists observe a pattern: children who suck a nipple for a long time (up to several hours a day), later begin to speak. Sucking may cause the articulation machine to develop incorrectly. Simply put, the lip and tongue muscles do not develop properly. And the “lazy” tongue will not be able to pronounce the letters correctly.

Method 2 – expand your vocabulary.
If the child says only a few words, often show him something new, clearly speaking the name. In the street, by the window, at home, in books, we are surrounded by a lot of interesting things. Do not confuse your baby, calling too many unfamiliar words, and be sure to explain the incomprehensible with simple words.

Way 3 – make the lessons fun.
Academic lessons are not yet for your baby. Lessons on speech development conduct in the form of a game. Kids are very fond of moving games. Play with a new toy or picture cards in hide-and-seek, ask your child to bring or carry them, run or jump.

Mode 4 – tongue charging.
Each speech therapist begins with an articulation exercise. Why not gre verbal practice at home? You can buy manuals, or you can invent small elementary games on your own – blow on a piece of cotton wool, inflate the cheeks, lick the tongue invisible jam from the lips, bounce like a horse and much more.

Method 5 – repeat one after another.
Try repeating the syllables that your baby says. “Ba-ba,” “boo-boo,” that’s a lot of fun. And then suddenly make up your syllable! If the baby accepts your game, he’ll try to repeat it after you.

13 ways to teach a child to speak at 1.5, 2 or 3 years old, gre verbal practice

Way 6, stimulate fine motor skills.
In the brain, the centres responsible for coordinating finger movement and developing speech functions are nearby. By stimulating one, you develop the other. Drawing with your fingers on scattered cereal, collecting beans and peas (you can play Cinderella), playing the magic bag (pull out items one by one), stringing beads and buttons on the rope – everything is for the benefit. Even the famous children’s fun “Forty Crow” and “Finger-Finger, where have you been?” – are also simple activities that stimulate nerve endings in the fingers and palms.

Mode 7, enter the reading mode.
Little kids love to see bright pictures. Don’t miss out on this opportunity for speech development classes. Show and tell as often as possible. Read to your child every day – fairy tales, children’s poems and funny things. New words and constantly hearing speech will develop your child’s vocabulary and teach them to speak correctly.

Way 8 – sing, friends!
Read, and now you can sing. Sing with your baby, learn together new children’s songs. This is the time when the computer does a good thing. Download songs known to your baby and let him sing as much as he wants! Good mood and smooth phrases stimulate the speech system.

Mode 9 – turn off the computer and TV.
To develop speech, your baby needs to hear it clean, clear and correct. Behind advertisements and cartoons, your words are no longer audible, and the TV in the background creates only sound noise.

Way 10 is a little tricky.
Reading a child familiar poems or fairy tales, deliberately “confuse” the words. For example, “The hen’s egg is laid, not gold, but blue.” The child will be happy to correct you!

Mode 11, no simplifications.
The baby says “Calleta” or “bibica” so nicely! You can listen and be kind. But you can only say “cutlet” and “car.” Strictly speaking, and “bibica” isn’t necessary at all. Where will it come from if you don’t say that word in front of the baby?

Mode 12 is “don’t understand” sign language.
Try to encourage the child to talk. If he asks for something by pointing a finger, pretend you don’t understand. Don’t make your child cry by completely refusing to cooperate. But if you enter into a dialogue, ask leading questions, he will try to explain to you.

Mode 13 – show attention.
Convince your child that you are interested in everything they say. Be surprised, ask questions, praise and admire! Be a grateful listener, and he or she will gladly try to tell you about all the events of the day. Encourage him to tell you everything, but do not force him not to cause negativity.

Do not get tired of talking to the child. It’s the key to developing coherent speech. Study regularly and you will soon see the result. First grade sight words for baby. If your child’s speech development is intimidating or if no activity stimulates you to talk, it is better to seek professional advice. Despite the fact that speech therapists start classes more often from the age of 4, our specialists have experience with two-year-old children – more information about classes with babies. Do not miss your time!