Meditation lessons should be short

You don’t need to meditate for hours. Thinking practices over long periods of time are designed for “advanced users” or monks. For ordinary people, it is impossible to meditate for an hour or two a day for many reasons: work, children, fitness, hobbies, etc. It is much easier and more effective to arrange short […]

The psychological effect of screaming

Scientists conducted an experiment: they filmed the faces of people at the moment of screaming. Then they and showed them to the subjects themselves and studied the reactions: the majority noted that their appearance at the time of the cry ranged from frightening to disgusting. People expressed bewilderment – is it possible that their […]

Allergic reactions and diseases

Buying a pet comes with certain risks. Each species and even breed has its own. Let’s take a look at the most common ones and Allergy to wool, saliva, food Before adopting a pet, you need to pass an allergy test. Not only for the child, but for all family members. It is worth […]