How to “Diagnose”

You might be wondering what exactly is wrong with your child. To make a so-called diagnosis, watch him. If he is often distracted during homework and, try to find out the reason: Tired – it means that he has problems with the stability of attention; in this case, short pauses are needed. He glances […]

Art and child development

It is important to distinguish the concept of “talent” from “creativity” – a child does not have to create a masterpiece and read in order to gain meaningful artistic experience. In art for children, the process of creation is of the greatest value – research, discovery and experimentation. Through self-expression and creativity, the child’s […]

Changing habits or 15 rules of a healthy lifestyle

We all strive for inner harmony. From time to time we make various attempts to radically change our lifestyle and We promise ourselves once and for all to give up any habitual actions, for example, from late dinners. But, in most cases, our attempts are in vain. Changing habits is difficult. This requires quite […]

To help moms and dads: what to do if the child does not like school?

Contrary to the dreams of loving parents, not all children love school and  This happens for various reasons. Sometimes moms and dads themselves are to blame, in another case – the unfavorable situation at school, in the third option – the student is simply not interested in school. SENIOR ARE BLAMED A child may […]

What is the best time to meditate?

So, what is the best time to meditate on – in the morning or in the evening? The answer to this question will be different for each person. It all depends on your routine and lifestyle. However, there are several more suitable moments during the day for meditation. Here are five of them: meditation […]

Correct breathing in yoga

Breath work in yoga is just as important as asanas. Inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose. A slow, long inhalation is followed by an equally long, smooth exhalation. Each asana is performed for six cycles of breathing. When performing dynamic ligaments, movements are made in the rhythm of natural breathing, and not […]

Distance learning is the choice of modern people

By leaps and bounds, people of the 21st century are paving the way in the wilds of the irrevocably arrived era of information. The saturation of each day with events and (thanks to electronic media and mobile communications) is hundreds of times higher than the information flow of the last century. In a unit […]

How to teach a child to read: tips for parents

Reading and know word scramble is one of the main skills that a child develops in preschool age. If you are teaching a child to read, turn the activity into a game. Play with letters, words and sounds. These activities will help your child understand how words and sounds are conveyed in writing. Consider some […]

I want to go to school!

How to prepare your child for school and songs with figurative language? Do I need to rebuild his daily routine in advance? How to find the right clothes and shoes? Why do children develop flat feet and what to do about it? A serious event awaits the whole family – the child goes to first […]

Carefully follow the teacher’s instructions for tuning

Choose a teacher who pays enough attention to the technique of performing asanas, gives precise instructions indicating the parts of the body and their position in space, and does not litter the air with empty talk that distracts attention. The pace of the lesson should be comfortable: too slow a pace can be tiring, […]