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Allergic reactions and diseases

Buying a pet comes with certain risks. Each species and even breed has its own. Let’s take a look at the most common ones and https://argoprep.com/blog/using-webbs-depth-of-knowledge-dok-to-make-your-class-effective/.

Allergy to wool, saliva, food
Before adopting a pet, you need to pass an allergy test. Not only for the child, but for all family members. It is worth knowing that sensitization may not appear immediately, but, say, after 2-3 months. Therefore, for safety, you need to discuss with the breeder / seller the procedure for returning the animal. Otherwise, if an allergy occurs, you will have to attach a pet yourself.

How do animal allergies manifest?

Sneezing, tearing.
Nasal congestion, runny nose.
Shortness of breath, hoarseness.
Attacks of coughing.
Contact dermatitis.

There is a more dangerous reaction – Quincke’s edema. It develops instantly and manifests itself in the form of swelling of the soft tissues of the face and neck. In this case, the pet but not https://argoprep.com/blog/ways-to-prevent-teacher-burnout/ may pose a threat to the life of the child, which means that you need to immediately separate them into different rooms and find another place of residence for the pet.

Despite numerous myths, parasites of dogs or cats are completely harmless to humans. Each species has its own, so getting worms from four-legged friends is unrealistic.

However, the danger is still there. Worm eggs may be present on the coat and paws of an animal that walks down the street. By stroking a pet, and then holding an apple, the child risks getting a whole set of invasive species:

toxocara, etc.

To minimize the risk of infection with worms, you need to carefully monitor the hygiene of the pet and the hands of all family members. It is undesirable to sleep with a dog or a cat that walks on the street in the same bed.