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How can you help your child learn better?

Your child cannot or does not want to study including https://argoprep.com/blog/k8/go-math-grade-7-vs-argoprep-grade-7/, is restless … Teachers complain about bad behavior, hyperactivity and aggressiveness … Learning is given with great difficulty – the child does not understand or does not remember information, is nervous when doing homework … Learn with the child a couple of quatrains is just an impossible task …

Some parents eventually get used to blaming everything: teachers who ask too much and children who study with “insufficient” zeal.

Dear Parents!

We urge you not to look for someone to blame, but just to help your children a little. Think for a second: why would your child with a martyr’s grimace rub his forehead or fidget in a chair and why do students hate math?!

You shouldn’t blame everything on laziness and teach the child, saying “Yes, I am at your age …!” As a matter of fact, laziness is generally something not peculiar to a child. If he is lazy, then there are good reasons for that.

Take a closer look at the child: do you notice at least two of the following manifestations?

Symptoms of overwork in a child
Lethargy and drowsiness.
Or vice versa, increased mobility, agitation.
Difficulty falling asleep and inability to “wake up in the morning.”
Bad memory.
Aggressiveness (rude to adults, fights with peers).
Difficulty doing homework.
Concentration problems (unable to concentrate on a task).
Poor posture (stoop, crooked back, skewed shoulders).
Lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities.
Fear or unwillingness to go to school.
Anxiety, night fears.
Complaints of back pain, neck pain, headaches.

Why can’t a child learn well?
Physical overload. If your son or daughter, in addition to school, attends many circles, then perhaps he simply does not have the strength to carry out everything that was conceived. There can be two ways out: either to refuse to attend any circles or sections, or to help the child correctly allocate time for work and rest. Be sure to teach him how to rest properly. Explain in an accessible form that TV and computer games are not rest, but an additional load on the eyes, brain and nervous system of a person. And instead, it’s best to take a walk before bed.

Mental overload. Some children find it difficult to learn certain subjects, and they have to make tremendous efforts to master these subjects. Some do not know how to retell, so they learn a large number of texts by heart. Others, not understanding the calculation algorithms, solve examples and equations in more complex ways. Still others are slow or, on the contrary, very active, and cannot adjust to the given pace of the lesson. Try to identify these kinds of problems. Check with teachers and work together to find ways to help catch up.

Emotional overload. There are children who react very hard to criticism from teachers and peers. Or they are too often criticized by their parents. Over time, such children develop neurosis, which prevents them from calmly perceiving the world.

Neurological problems. It is not uncommon for neurological diseases to go unnoticed in infancy. Much depends on the observation of parents and doctors. There are diseases, the symptoms of which are almost invisible, and such diseases are detected only during examination. That is why examinations of a pediatric neurologist at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 months are necessary.

And in the kindergarten everything was fine … In the kindergarten, the requirements for the kids are not so high – they do not have to sit at their desk for a long time, think a lot, store in their head a large amount of not always interesting information. Therefore, outwardly it seems that everything is in order. At school, the volume of information increases dramatically, the requirements become more stringent.