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Psychologist’s recommendations to parents of first-graders

A sober attitude of parents to the abilities of a son or daughter is the key to an adequate perception by the student of his educational successes and failures and homework debate. Moms and dads who understand the weaknesses of the child do not require only fives and fours. Ask the first grader not how he answered the lesson today, but what interesting things happened during the school day and what he learned new. When the kid is afraid that he will be scolded for the marks he has received, and not supported, he will hide his mistakes from you until the last. If such behavior is fixed, then the child will learn to deceive and dodge. In adolescence, this has a devastating effect on parent-child relationships. Remember: you lie to someone you are afraid to tell the truth. Do not create situations when a beloved child is forced to become a liar. Children should not embody the ambitions of their fathers and mothers.

It’s good if the morning of a first grader (and any child) begins with warm words from caring parents and adjectives to describe people. Do not push him and rush to school. It is the task of adults to correctly calculate the time for getting up, hygiene procedures, eating, leaving the house.

If you see that after the student is sad or, conversely, very excited, talk to him. Find out what caused his mood. First, it will help your baby cope with emotional stress. Secondly, such conversations strengthen warm relations and reduce the intensity of conflicts between “fathers and children” during puberty.

If the baby grimaces, misbehaves, behaves, is stubborn and does not obey, then his development is proceeding normally! These signs are classic manifestations of the crisis of seven years. Help the child to live this period productively: let’s have more freedom, do not patronize him, let him have the opportunity to see the consequences of his actions. Such concessions from adults strengthen the self-esteem of a seven-year-old, help him try on the role of an independent person and become more confident.

Do not be offended if a little schoolboy tells you that it is not you who are right, but the teacher. This is a good sign. Yes, the importance of the parent is reduced, and the first-grader “raises” the teacher on a pedestal. So the kid masters the inner position of the student, feels at home in a large school family. Therefore, maintain the authority of the teacher and help to strengthen a good relationship between him and the child.

Help your child with subtraction facts, and if possible, teachers, build healthy relationships in the classroom. Let the children be friends, support each other, provide all possible assistance to classmates. Remember that bullying (bullying) is easier to prevent at the initial level than to deal with it at an older age. Children must understand: all people are different and the value of a person does not depend on his appearance, nationality, developmental features, intelligence and material level of the family. The stronger the children’s team, the lower the likelihood that someday bullying will corrode the souls of today’s first graders.