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Taking into account the individual learning style of students in teaching foreign languages based on a competent approach

The essence and content of the individual style of teaching of students

As the analysis of the works shows, the history of studying the style begins from the very moment when a person thinks about the reasons of individual peculiarity of his own being. Thinkers, scientists, artists for many centuries tried to answer the questions that turned out to be very controversial: “What are the styles and how do they differ from each other?”, “What is the nature of human style?

The scope of use of the word “style” is so wide that researchers consider this concept to be interdisciplinary, included in the categorical apparatus of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, literature, art criticism. However, despite this, there are practically no works on systematization of accumulated theoretical and experimental results, on methodological generalization of style research. One of the possible reasons for this state of affairs is ambiguity and polysemanticism of the term itself.

First of all, it seems necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of synonymous terms, which will allow us to concretize the concept under study in the future.

According to the SI Dictionary. Ozhegova, the style is:

  1. Characteristic species, a kind of something, expressed in any special features, properties.
  2. Method, a set of methods of any work, activity, behavior.

Since both definitions form the basis of our work, let us reveal their specifics in relation to the topic of our study.

On the one hand, it is a characteristic type of cognitive process for each student, expressed in the properties of his or her nervous system, thinking, peculiarities of self-knowledge, self-realization, self-acceptance, and other processes of self; on the other hand, it is a set of methods of academic work, student activities aimed at mastering the future profession.

In gnoseology there are two main levels of knowledge: empirical and theoretical. Empirical cognition includes operations of direct – sensual reflection of objects, their properties, structure, relations and some operations of “rational level” of cognition mediated by language signs. The main function of theoretical cognition is the explanation of the phenomena cognized in empirical cognition and its procedures. Explanation of phenomena includes two main procedures: search for explanatory principles and derivation of initial phenomena from the found principles.

Teaching at school and university is a specially organized learning process. The prototype of humanistically oriented teaching is most likely to be “practical”, “personal” cognition, i.e., not one-sided theoretical, but comprehensive assimilation (appropriation) of peace by a person. Go to the site and find out morehttps://argoprep.com/blog/learning-styles-series-the-interpersonal-learner/

Knowledge included in direct practice is “the essence of something more than a reflection of the present state of the object. It is associated with goal setting and target implementation, the intellect directly interacts with the volitional, emotional, mnemonic subsystems of the psyche for the sake of mastering the object – identifying, evaluating and subordinating the acquired useful properties. .

According to Serikov, a truly human way of mastering the world is to comprehend the super-natural human logic in it. The distribution of human meanings occurs in the process of cognition of the object as a value. Human meaning and value are contained in everything, they only need to learn. The function of human cognition is not only to learn, but also to comprehend the world, to give it certain sense.

Technology for the development of individual teaching style of students

Higher education should aim at providing individual study opportunities to all students. Individualization allows the use of a wide variety of sources of knowledge in study. There will naturally be a shift of emphasis from teaching to learning, which determines the essence of learning. Much of this cannot be put into practice without recourse to modern teaching technology. Above all, learning technology makes it possible to move to a completely different way of organizing the course of study from traditional learning. By using different sources of knowledge and recognizing the need for individualization of learning, we get the opportunity to significantly modify the contact between students and the institution.

Each student should be given the opportunity to choose the type of work according to his desire and individual data. In this way the student has the opportunity to reveal his individuality, to show his abilities and business qualities, his line of behavior in the team. Each student should get an idea of the nature of his future work, realize his creative abilities, the level of his preparedness for independent work, the sphere of his personal interests and his place in the team.

More Me. A. Comenius sought to find a general order of education, in which it would be carried out according to the unified laws of human nature. Factors that hinder the achievement of an ideal single method can include a variety of educational – educational tasks, a variety of elements of the content of education and types of educational material, the ambiguity of the manifestation of patterns of its learning, depending on individual characteristics, style of cognitive activity.

That is why in modern pedagogy there are searches for such didactic approaches, which could “turn learning into a kind of production and technological process with guaranteed results” (100, p. 41). One of the strong negative factors of any activity is the failure to achieve the set goal. There are a lot of practical questions: how to guarantee the achievement of goals, how to comprehend the planned results of training, how to increase the efficiency of the educational process. The search for answers to these questions has led scientists and practitioners to try to “technologize” the educational process.

1) so precise and certain description of the formed personal quality is given that it can be unmistakably differentiated from other personality traits;

2) there is a way to unambiguously identify the diagnosed personal quality in the process of objective control of its formation;

3) it is possible to measure the intensity of the diagnosed quality based on the control data;

4) there is a scale of quality assessment based on the measurement results.

From the point of view of pedagogical technology three levels of target education are clearly seen: global, stage and operational. At the global level of target education, the pedagogical interpretation of public and state order and the construction of a model of the graduate’s personality are carried out.

At the level of stage target education, the global goal is differentiated into the main goals by the stages of training.

The level of operative target education consists in formation of the goal of studying separate educational subjects, which make up the content of training.

In the 60s in the USA, England there appeared a special direction – pedagogical technology. The very word “technology” comes from Greek techne – art, skill and logos – science, law. Literally “technology” – the science of craftsmanship.

The origin of the idea of technologization of learning is primarily due to the introduction of technological advances in various areas of theoretical and practical activities. There have been heated pedagogical debates around the category “technology” for quite some time. The presence of a methodology of personality formation automatically required appropriate technologies. The task of technologization of pedagogical activity, being complex in itself due to the known subject – the subject nature of the pedagogical process, is repeatedly complicated when it comes to the development of the personal function of the learner.