Get Set for School® was designed to celebrate children's creativity and help them be proud of their work. To help them succeed, we focus on clean, clear design. We use a simple activity workbook and numbers booklet design. The instructional text is easy to understand and reinforces the concepts being taught.

Large, Step-by-Step, Illustrated Directions
It is much easier for children to understand how to make letters if you show them step-by-step formations. The My First School Book activity book contains large step-by-step images of the Wood Pieces to show students how to make each part of every letter. Short, simple words describe each step.

Child-Friendly, Consistent Language
The Get Set for School child-friendly language evolved in response to other programs’ complicated instructions. When teaching Pre-K students, we believe it is critical to use language they can understand. We make it easy by using fewer words so that children know or can understand all the words through an activity.

Clean, Clear Pages
The black-and-white pages of our activity books avoid the visual confusion of crowded background images and flashy graphics. These easy-to-understand pages avoid distractions and visual clutter to keep children happy and occupied.

Opportunity for Personalization
Our activity books teach important lessons for writing readiness, counting, numbers, geometry, patterns, and sensory motor skills. They also allow children to have a record of their work and to personalize it with coloring, drawing, and creating a personal storybook.
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Kits and Bundles
Get everything you need for your class to succeed. Our kits provide comprehensive instructional materials for success.
Aligned to ESSER and ESSA
Get Set for School is eligible for educational grants and funding. The program meets ESSA's Demonstrates a Rationale evidence criteria, with materials aligned to ESSER funding's allowable activities.