Free, universal, and easy-to-administer screeners for identifying what children know and can do.
Get Set for School offers universal, easy-to-administer screeners that identify what Pre-K children know and can do. In just 10–15 minutes, these developmentally appropriate assessments check student progress as they build important foundation skills. Assessments are available both as a free download and within Pre-K Interactive Teaching Tool.

+Live Insights Helps You Deliver Success
This breakthrough dashboard for digital teaching is your portal for administrative features across the full suite of Learning Without Tears’ digital products.
+Live Insights is an enterprise-grade solution that provides a satellite view over district usage of our digital products, tools, and features. +Live Insights was built for the needs of school districts. Users have real-time access to usage information that allows administrators to make data-driven decisions. +Live Insights makes it simple to administer products, increase teacher effectiveness, and improve student learning.
Users can generate reports that reviews a district’s engagement with our learning products, including a district, school, or classroom’s overall curriculum progress, the number of active students, and the amount of time spent on each program.
- Seamlessly set up classrooms
- Integrate with other platforms
- Generate reports from digital products
- Manage classroom rosters
- View all products and licenses
- Access help and online support
“The Pre-K curriculum is an excellent addition to our developmentally appropriate literacy program. Our teachers are eager to integrate the ideas into the classroom.”
Schronda Kathy Hamel, Curriculum Coordinator, Longwood, FL
“We started school almost four weeks ago and I am amazed again to see the results of the Mat Man activity. I introduced the song and my kids' papers look just like the ones in your books. The song triggers an understanding that I am overwhelmed by. ”
Cindy Baker, Pre-K teacher, Sunshine School, AZ
Kits and Bundles
Get everything you need for your class to succeed. Our kits provide comprehensive instructional materials for success.
Aligned to ESSER and ESSA
Get Set for School is eligible for educational grants and funding. The program meets ESSA's Demonstrates a Rationale evidence criteria, with materials aligned to ESSER funding's allowable activities.