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Correct breathing in yoga

Breath work in yoga https://www.julianalucky.com/ is just as important as asanas. Inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose. A slow, long inhalation is followed by an equally long, smooth exhalation. Each asana is performed for six cycles of breathing. When performing dynamic ligaments, movements are made in the rhythm of natural breathing, and not vice versa. If you tie breathing to movement, it will become more frequent, which will entail hyperventilation of the lungs. As a rule, deflections are performed on inhalation, and bends on exhalation.

To practice measured breathing through the nose, you must first sit in the correct position. It is recommended to take one of the comfortable positions: lotus, half lotus, in Turkish. The back needs to be straightened, the shoulders should be lowered and straightened, the hands should be placed on the knees. With a stooped back, forward shoulders and a clamped diaphragm, a breathing exercise will not bring any benefit. In this position, you will not be able to fully relax and achieve a sufficient degree of concentration. After the correct posture is taken, you need to breathe in measuredly through the nose, fully concentrating on the breathing process.